A Great Start to the Day

The reasons behind Breakfast Clubs.

In 2005, the Welsh Government launched a free breakfast scheme in Wales offering primary school pupils a free, healthy breakfast every morning in their school. 

The main driver for the increase in breakfast clubs is the perceived benefit to children and their families – improved learning, attendance and behaviour at school, punctuality, healthy eating, social development, and fun through play. Breakfast clubs are becoming increasingly popular and can be found in primary schools throughout the UK.

Our Breakfast Club.

At Tynyrheol we run a Breakfast Club where children who are in full-time education are encouraged to come and have a healthy breakfast. Run by the Cook, a dinner-time supervisor and an LSO we offer Breakfast and a time to socialise before learning starts.

Children are encouraged to take an active part in the club – helping with clearing away. While sitting together to eat, the children chat and learn to share and to cooperate.

We organise a range of activities and for the children who are not quite awake we offer quiet time where they can read a book in peace.

Club opens its doors at 8.20 am and we ask that children do not turn up later than 8.40am because it does not give the child enough time to eat their Breakfast before having to go into class.